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Darlingtonia ~ Cobra Lily
Also known as cobra lilies, Darlingtonia are native to Oregon and California...
Drosera ~ Sundews
Sparkling "dew" adorns the leaves of this genus, which includes tropical, sub-tropical,...
House Plants, Easy Growers, and Misc. Offerings
Euphorbia, Begonia, Tradescantia, Epipremnum, and more.
Nepenthes ~ Tropical Pitcher Plants
Nepenthes are tropical pitcher plants, most of which hail from Southeast Asia....
Pinguicula ~ Butterworts
Pinguicula – also known as butterworts – are cute little gnat-catchers with...
Rare Picks ~ Oddities
Browse rare offerings and oddities such as Heliamphora, Roridula, Cephalotus, Drosophyllum, terrarium...
Sarracenia ~ N. American Pitcher Plants
Sarracenia is a genus of hardy perennial pitcher plants native to North...
Utricularia ~ Bladderworts
Utricularia is a genus of small carnivorous plants with unassuming leaves and...